Levelling Up for the New School Year

June 19, 2024
This is School

Want to get a jump start on the new academic year? Join This is School to see how you can use the platform during high days and holidays.

"There's something to be said in the idea of being able to access tools like This is School over the summer break, meaning that students are going to come back feeling that they've been up able to keep up their confidence and can hit the ground running."

The 'summer slide' is something we are all too familiar with as teachers; students head off on their summer break and come back at the beginning of term recalling very little of their language experience, meaning there can be a feeling of having to go back to square one with many skills and activities, rather than being able to truly level up as we might want them to.

In this session with US New Business Manager Kaitlin, we explore how This is School can help your students (and you!) feel prepared for the new academic year, including:

🔠 Grammar Videos for Languages and Explainer Videos for Science and Geography, which cover concepts and topics in just 120 seconds, providing opportunities for super quick revision in independent study - oh and did we mention that they're super fun too?

🔎 Easy to search topics across activities, meaning students can quickly and easily find topics that interest them to continue their learning and keep them coming back to the platform

🥜 Nutty Tilez! Our super fun, real-time, multi-player, global game which tests and reinforces vocabulary across our Language subjects

🎯 Setting Points Targets, to encourage students to hit targets while allowing them to explore topics and activities of their choosing for additional autonomy

🎁 What you can find in our Teachers Resources, including Hypersheets, Reading Comprehensions, and Textbook Guides for super easy alignment and speedy lesson planning!

Hit play on the video above to explore more and see how This is School can help you get a jump start on the new academic year - it's never too early to start planning...

Curious to explore the platform for yourself? Then request your 14-day free trial here and we'll do the rest!